Friday 12 December 2014

Typical features of local newspaper

Typical Features of a Local Newspaper

I have been analysing local newspapers and from my research I have found that there are a typical set of features that you are likely to find in local newspapers. These are as follows:

1. Stories about news and events from the local area

This seems like a fairly obvious one but this is the main body of a local newspaper. These stories tend to be about news and events happening within the local area and the community. For example, if the council or community held and event and it went a success it would be featured in the local newspaper giving a review of the event including details such as how it went, what happened at the event and some photos to give the audience a snapshot of the event.

2. Advertisements

Local newspapers aren't hugely funded to due them not being bought across the country, so they need to find outside funding which they do through selling space in their newspapers to local companies for advertising space. Any company can advertise as long as they pay for the space they use and this helps cover the cost of the paper so there are always going to be adverts.

3. Job placements

if a company is looking for new employment or have a space vacant they are going to advertise this in the local newspaper. This is because people from the local area are going to be buying the newspaper so if anyone is in need of a job they can easily apply and try out for the position.

4. Information about events taking place in the local area or within the community

The people that make up the community are often searching for information on upcoming events they could attend to help build the community. Local newspapers will have this information not only to attract people into attending local events but to make them interested in buying the newspaper in future so they find out about future events and see all of the other news and opportunities available. 

5. Property information

This information is featured so it can attract people into moving into the area and expanding the community. People will read this information and either encourage people they know from outside the area to move into the area or maybe move into a bigger property themselves ultimately improving the real estate of the area. By including this information local newspapers are likely to increase the amount of copies they sell as people will buy the newspaper to check the real estate opportunities.

From my research into typical features of a local newspaper, I have discovered that there are a lot of things I need to include in my local newspaper for it to be similar to others already on the market. By including all of the above I am going to have the widest target audience possible to buy my newspaper.

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